The Five Times I Met Myself by James L. Rubart

This story deals with the chances of time travel through dreams. What would you change, what would you leave the same, what would you do to better your life and those around you? Brock Matthews has a chance to do all of this, however he doesn’t quite know how or what to change each time he goes back. This story wrestles quite a bit with mortality, religion and family. Brock and his brother Ron are the owners of a very successful Coffee business. Although the dollars are raking in the millions, their relationship is fraying to the point of inaudible mumblings a handful of times a week as they awkwardly pass each other in the halls on their way to the respective office to shut out the world and focus on making more millions. This has always been their relationship. Ron is younger than Brock but somehow he always manages to be better at everything they do. Brock’s marriage is also falling apart as he focuses more and more of his time on his business instead of his family. His wife ...