Dion: A Tale of the Highway by Jonathan Maas

There is clear evidence of hard work, endless researching and quite a bit of maturity to be found in Jonathan Maas' latest book, Dion: A Tale of the Highway . The story opens in the barest, most confusing fashion possible, for both reader and character. Dion awakes on the side of a road, completely naked and unsure of who his is and where he’s at and most importantly, how he got there. A strange dream still lingers on his memory. Besides him there is a car and in the car, a note: “ Drive this vehicle. Drive along this road, in the direction that the vehicle is pointed now. Drive until this road ends, and then drive some more” That’s not creepy, right? I thought initially, okay, this is going to be a travelogue about Dion, and along the way he’ll meet some people and do some things and they all learn something about themselves and the world around them. Maybe a subtle and modern tip of the hat to Kerouac . I couldn’t have been more wrong. This story is so packed fu...