Graveyard Shift, by Angela Roquet
This is a very interesting book, to say the least. It has subtle undertones of Dead Like Me, a really great television show about Grim Reapers from the early 2000's mixed faintly with the writing style of A. Lee Marteniez's Divine Misfortune, all cleverly narrated by Roquet's spunky slack-off protagonist Lana. Also, there isn't a single religion that has not been targeted. Blasphemy, all around. Archangel, Gabriel is a terrible alcoholic, The Grim Reaper himself is a power hungry business mogul and the afterlife has become just another job to work at for survival.
The world in of itself is very fascinating, for example, the City of Limbo is where all the Reapers live, some souls that have been harvested can either bribe their way into staying on shore and work in factories in Limbo City to avoid not being chartered off to an afterlife or thrown into the Sea of Eternity. The souls have even created a Union and demanded and won their right not to work on Saturdays!
I will admit, albeit the wry romance and deliberately written situations that creates an early 20's college girl following, I honestly thought the story has an enormous potential to keep me entertained. I would also like to mention the ending for this first volume tricked me into thinking the situation with Seth would be resolved, but that would ultimately kill the series immediately, pun intended. That was a very clever move Miss Roquet.
For more information on Graveyard Shift or Angela Roquetg, please visit her Goodreads page.
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