Consequence, By Steve Masover

I really enjoyed this book in the most literal sense. Not because I fancy myself an activist, nor do I indulge in anything remotely close to activism, but simply because the story was captivating and held me in awe from the very first page.

Consequence as a whole is definitely against the grain of my normal tastes but suitably so as I found this book so terribly difficult to put down. Page after page of lyrical prose filled this novel. I especially enjoyed the back and forth banter between Chagall and Christopher, which were aggressive and domineering as both parties fought for control and in the end one side completely fails to hold up the agreement and betrays the other.

I will say, in my opinion that this book was not a gut clenching thriller, in any sense, but it did leave me feeling uncomfortable and afraid of the outcome for many a character. Masover is smooth with his delivery and direct with his words.

For more information on Consequence, by Steve Masover, please visit his goodreads page.

I received this book from GOODREADS for this review


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